Sunday 24 June 2012

Fun with iPads

We are really lucky to have the opportunity to use iPads to support our learning. Here are photos of us using the iPads to discover more about the Rainforest.

Class Award Winners Weeks 7-9

Apologies for the lack of posts recently, we have been very busy in 5M. Here are the recent award winners, stay tuned for an update from Molly and Jacob R.

It's becoming harder to choose class award winners, so many great people to choose from.

Week 7: Azure, Emily, Amelia, Tim

Week 8: Sophie (Student of the Week), Olivia, Olivia, Samuel and Riley

Week 9: Lucas, Jacob, Isabella and Jessica. Tim was our Student of the Week but he was absent, his photo will be taken next week.

Well done =)

Tuesday 5 June 2012


Dear Parents,

An apology for any confusion that may have been caused with yesterday’s Rainforest homework task. The grid is a collection of activities based on different learning styles e.g. creative arts, music, environmental themes, writing.

The children are to select one activity from the grid as one of their homework tasks. If students would like to do more than one they are most welcome to. Please ignore the trio of tasks request at the bottom of the page.

They can bring this in at any time over the next fortnight. This isn’t an assessment task but simply an activity to tie in with our HSIE focus on Rainforests.

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards,

Amy Mead
5M Teacher

Monday 4 June 2012

Spelling Week 7

Week 7's Spelling list.

  1. rocket                             
  2. scream
  3.  echo
  4.  attack
  5.  unlucky
  6. cycle
  7. quite
  8. quiet
  9. except
  10. expect
  11. cheque
  12. quality
  13. quantity
  14. collapse
  15. complicate
  16. kilogram
  17. equator
  18. aquarium
  19. cubic
  20.  course

  21. complementary

  22. colloquial

  23. dependency

  24. annihilate

  25. awkwardly

Friday 1 June 2012

Week 5 and Week 6

Another two busy weeks in 5 Maroon have come to an end.

We have had lots of fun in English learning about descriptive texts. The descriptions have been excellent. From describing fellow classmates, characters from films, describing advertisements without the sound on to a very exciting food tasting where we described what we were tasting, it has been a very interesting two weeks. Our next stop is the Narrative Text Type.

In HSIE we have been learning about Rainforests, the different types, the layers of a rainforest and where the majority of rainforests are in the world. In Science, we have begun our Adaptations unit.

In Creative Arts we have been learning about artists Sidney Nolan and Julian Ashton. On Thursday we made our own interpretations of Sidney Nolan's 'Ned Kelly' series. They are looking fantastic!

The Space assessment tasks were amazing! All students in 5M achieved fantastic results. Well done!

We have been fortunate enough to have visits from Maitland Police and The Newcastle Knights/QR National. A representative from Maitland Police discussed Cybersafety and other dangers that young people may face with social networking and mobile phones. Today, representatives from the Knights and QR National discussed railway safety. They shared some very interesting facts such as it takes 800m for a train to come to a stop. We were very lucky to receive some presents from the Newcastle Knights.

We also had some local celebrities in the Mercury again. Samuel, Sophie and Charli all appeared. Well done!

Class awards:
Students received awards for excellent work in descriptive texts, their behaviour, trying their best, work in Creative Arts, Space assessment, being kind and thoughtful and for an excellent Ned Kelly drawing.

Week 5: Jacob S was our student of the week. Charli, Lucas and Liam received Merit Awards.

Week 6: Lewis was awarded student of the week. Brittney, Sophie and Brock received Merit Awards.

There has been a lot of exciting in 5 Maroon with Camp notes going home this week. We have watched a video showing all the fun activities that we will be doing. If you would like to watch the video or learn more about the Great Aussie Bush Camp please see:

There will be more camp notes going home in the coming weeks as well as the Camp Information Night.

A reminder from today's school newsletter, our school is trying to reduce its environmental impact by emailing our school newsletter to as many families as possible rather than the usual paper copy. If you would like to have your newsletter emailed please contact the office with your email address. Parents who do not have an email address will still receive a hard copy.

Have a lovely weekend.

Love 5M and Miss Mead