Monday 27 February 2012

Our Spelling Words

Each week Miss Mead will publish our spelling words on our blog. Our spelling words are introduced each Monday morning and we work with these words every morning leading up to Friday morning's test. As a part of our homework we write our list words each night.

Group 1:
  1. compose
  2. expose
  3. dispose
  4. suppose
  5. alone
  6. telephone
  7. remote
  8. antidote
  9. woven
  10. chosen
  11. telescope
  12. antelope
Group 2:
  1. compose
  2. expose
  3. dispose
  4. suppose
  5. alone
  6. telephone
  7. remote
  8. antidote
  9. woven
  10. chosen
  11. telescope
  12. antelope
  13. frozen
  14. broken
  15. condone
Group 3:
  1. compose
  2. expose
  3. dispose
  4. suppose
  5. alone
  6. telephone
  7. remote
  8. antidote
  9. woven
  10. chosen
  11. telescope
  12. antelope
  13. broken
  14. frozen
  15. condone
  16. microscope
  17. enclose
  18. envelope
  19. anecdote
  20. corrode

Friday 24 February 2012

The walls of 5M

Here are some of the great pieces of work on the walls in 5M.

Face artworks: in Religion our unit is called 'the Life and Times of Jesus', as well as learning about Jesus, this unit asks us to take time and reflect on our own story and journey growing into God.

As we are the face of God, we created line portraits of our classmates to represent each of our faces. Miss Mead is very happy with the results, 5M is looking very bright!

In PD/H/PE we have discussed our rights and responsibilities, this included the United Nations Rights of the Child . Here are our own class responsibilities in 5M:


This week 5M had a lot of questions about Lent, to help answer these questions we had an extra homework task to research a question we had about Lent.

Two students created powerpoint presentations about Lent, here they are presenting their powerpoints.

Here is some information about what we learnt about Lent this week:
  • "Easter is when we celebrate the rising of Jesus after his death on the cross"
  • "Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and finishes on Holy Thursday"
  • "Instead of practising 'negative penance' (giving something up) we should try 'positive penance' (trying to do something for good)

Our class has a Project Compassion box, we learnt that if we raise $5 that would provide one year's supply of text books for a Burmese student in a community based learning centre on the Burmese border. We are excited to help however we can.

Reading circles

5M's literacy session is now in full swing. One part of our literacy block is the reading groups, we break into five groups, each student has a role to respond to the text in a particular way. After a set amount of time we stop reading and write our responses to the text, this is followed by a whole class sharing session.

5M are currently reading the works of Roald Dahl for our reading groups.

Here are some students focusing during our reading groups:

Award winners

Every Friday at St Paul's we have an assembly. Today 5M enjoyed 1W's wonderful performance of Noah's Ark.
Every week Miss Mead gives out four awards, three to students who have performed outstandingly in and out of the classroom plus a student of the week. It is a difficult task as there is such a high calibre of students in 5M.
Mr Latham also awards the 'Principal's Award' to students in each class who are displaying positive characteristics in and out of the classroom.

Here are our award winners for Week 5:

Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourselves!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Birthdays in 5M

It is only Week 5 and we have already had lots of birthdays in 5M.

Here are some 5M students celebrating their friends' birthdays.

5M have been off to a great start with their learning.

Here are some 5M students participating in a drama task.