Friday 24 February 2012


This week 5M had a lot of questions about Lent, to help answer these questions we had an extra homework task to research a question we had about Lent.

Two students created powerpoint presentations about Lent, here they are presenting their powerpoints.

Here is some information about what we learnt about Lent this week:
  • "Easter is when we celebrate the rising of Jesus after his death on the cross"
  • "Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and finishes on Holy Thursday"
  • "Instead of practising 'negative penance' (giving something up) we should try 'positive penance' (trying to do something for good)

Our class has a Project Compassion box, we learnt that if we raise $5 that would provide one year's supply of text books for a Burmese student in a community based learning centre on the Burmese border. We are excited to help however we can.

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