Sunday 29 April 2012

Term 2: Week 1

5M arrived at school on Monday with lots of stories about their holidays to share. Although it was a short week, it was a busy one with two liturgies and a public holiday. 5M were very productive and managed to get quite a lot of work done.

On Thursday we had our ANZAC liturgy. We were lucky to have Sophie's father, Mr Nalder - who is a member of the RAAF - address the school and visit 5M to answer our questions after the liturgy.

Here are some reflections from 5M regarding ANZAC Day.

"ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. 32 Australians have died in Afghanistan"

"The ceremony was interesting, the one minute of silence was the quietest the school has ever been! Mr Nalder's talk was very interesting and we want to learn more"

5M were very respectful during the liturgy and during our classroom work on ANZAC Day. There were many thoughtful responses and reflections. We watched You Tube videos on the role of animals in war and how children can commemorate ANZAC Day. We also watched the musical clip of Redgum's 'I was only nineteen' which helped 5M see war through the eyes of a soldier.

We had our first assembly for Term 2 on Friday. All students have received merit certificates this year, some are up to their second award. This week students received awards for a variety of reasons, these are:
  • Improvement in bookwork and willingness to participate in classroom discussions
  • Thoughtful contribution to ANZAC Day discussions and excellent comprehension work in reading groups
  • Always trying her best and being ready to learn
  • Beautifully presented bookwork and taking pride in all she does
This week's Student of the Week was a hard award to give as there were so many students who deserved this award. There could only be one award recipient for this category and this week Olivia H was our Student of the Week.

5M are excited for their parents, grandparents and friends to visit our classroom next Thursday for Catholic Schools Week. We look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it next Thursday to visit our classroom, you are more than welcome to stop by next time you are at the school to have a look at the great work on display in our classroom.

Have a lovely week

5M and Miss Mead =)

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