Tuesday 22 May 2012

Homework News

A note was sent home last Friday regarding this week's homework task.

As one clever 5M student commented today, it is actually due on Monday the 28th rather than the 27th.

Here is a copy of the note and the rubric.

Dear Parents and Friends,

In lieu of Go Maths homework next week, students will have a take home assessment task to complete. This task marks the culmination of our Science and Technology Unit on the Solar System.

Students are to create a database related to planets in the Solar System. The database is simply an organised collection of information on the planets of the Solar System. Each planet must be included.

Students have full creativity in terms of how they present this assessment. Databases may be presented in the form of a poster, a website, a book, a pamphlet or PowerPoint Presentation. Students who do not have access to the internet or a computer are not at a disadvantage.

Students must have their database due on the following date.

Monday 27th May

As per usual with homework if there is a reasonable excuse for not having the assessment ready on the due date, there must be a note from their parent. All students need to have this assessment done; a note does not excuse them from the task but from handing it in on time.

I have included a marking rubric so you are aware of the expectations of the task if your child needs any guidance.

As always, if you have any questions or queries do not hesitate to contact me via a note with your child or phone message at the office. I am also contactable on my email address: amy.mead@mn.catholic.edu.au

Kind regards,

Amy Mead
Year 5 Maroon Teacher

Rubric: Outcome being assessed is ENS 3.6

Needs effort
Quality of Information
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.
Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.
Amount of Information
All planets are addressed with at least a paragraph about each.
All planets are addressed and with at least 2 sentences about each.
All planets addressed with 1 sentence about each.
One or more planets were not addressed.
Diagrams & Illustrations
Diagrams, photos and illustrations are neat, accurate and add to the reader\'s understanding of the topic.
Diagrams, photos and illustrations are accurate and add to the reader\'s understanding of the topic.
Diagrams, photos and illustrations are neat and accurate and sometimes add to the reader\'s understanding of the topic.
Diagrams, photos and illustrations are not accurate OR do not add to the reader\'s understanding of the topic.
Ability to use information
Information is written using own voice.

Some information is copied from another source.
All information is copied from another source.

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