Tuesday 22 May 2012

Weeks 3 and 4

The past two weeks have flown by in 5 Maroon with Mothers Day activities, an inservice day and NAPLAN.

5 Maroon took NAPLAN in their stride and approached the examinations in a calm manner. Miss Mead was very impressed by their confidence and resilience.

The Writing task for NAPLAN asked students to present their opinion/s on the topic 'people should know how to cook'. Judging from our discussion after the exam there may be some budding cooks in 5M.

There has been lots of work on our new units. Rainforests for HSIE, Australian Artists (e.g. Sidney Nolan and Julian Ashton) in Creative and Performing Arts, Descriptive Texts in English. We finished our Rapunzel unit in CAPA and are on our way to completing our Easter unit in Religion.
Subtraction has been our focus in Maths this week.

Week 3 award winners:

Molly was our Student of the Week for having an excellent attitude to all she does and taking pride in her work.

Our class award winners were recognised for the following:
  • Setting a great example to his peers with his great attitude
  • An enthusiastic attitude to all she does
  • Excellent work in reading groups, her responses are fantastic.
Week 4 Award Winners

Our student of the week was Amelia, she was recognised for her excellent performance in drama and her positive attitude.

Dylan received the Principal's Award for putting his best into all he does.
Our Merit Award recipients were recognised for:
  • Always trying his best and being a valuable member of 5 Maroon
  • Being ready to learn and excellent work in drama performance
  • An excellent performance in drama. A great Rapunzel
It is only Tuesday and Miss Mead already has students in mind for her awards. It will be hard to narrow the recipients down.

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