Friday 30 March 2012

Assembly photos

Here are some photos of our assembly. A big thank you to Mrs Vought for taking these.

Week 10

Only one more week to go! Week 10 has finished and we are one step closer to that well deserved break.

However, there is still lots of work to be done before we can enjoy a rest and some sweet treats.

On Thursday 5M showed that they really are the most attractive class at St Paul's with their beautiful appearance on School Photo Day. Miss Mead is really looking forward to seeing our class photo and hanging a copy up on our wall. Speaking of beautiful, 5M enjoyed coming up with interesting sentences for one of their spelling words 'gorgeous', this provided some humour during our spelling lessons.

5M are still improving with their spelling. It is great to see how many students have attempted the extension unseen words at the end of the test. Keep up the great work Year 5.

On Friday we had our Athletics Carnival at Glendale. Miss Mead really enjoyed meeting and chatting with 5M parents. 5M performed well on the track and off (in long jump, shot put and cheering). It was lovely to see so many enthusiastic faces whether they were racing or cheering on their friends.

Here are some 5M students getting into the spirit of the Athletics Carnival.

Due to the Athletics Carnival we didn't have an Assembly.

Next week will be another busy one with our Holy Week liturgy on Wednesday (and practises each day) and our Easter Hat Parade on Thursday followed by the much anticipated P&F Raffle.

If 5M are especially lovely, there may be a surprise or two for them on Thursday.

Have a great weekend,

5M and Miss Mead.

Monday 26 March 2012

Spelling Week 10

Group One
  • orchard
  • organic
  • organise
  • ornament
  • ordeal
  • esteem
  • corrupt
  • cordial
  • portrait
  • forecast
  • torpedo
Group Two
  • orchard
  • organic
  • organise
  • ornament
  • ordeal
  • esteem
  • corrupt
  • cordial
  • portrait
  • forecast
  • torpedo
  • orphan
  • sorcery
  • portion
Group Three
  • orchard
  • organic
  • organise
  • ornament
  • ordeal
  • esteem
  • corrupt
  • cordial
  • portrait
  • forecast
  • torpedo
  • orphan
  • sorcery
  • portion
  • aisle
  • dominant
  • porpoise
  • gorgeous
  • mortgage

Sunday 25 March 2012

Week 9

Week 9 was another busy week in 5M. In Week 8 we had our class mass and we kept the sharing going into Week 9 with our Class Assembly.
5M did exceptionally well practising for both of these events. There was a lot of excitement leading up to the Assembly with plenty of ideas flowing. Miss Mead loved hearing everyone's ideas and is lucky to be surrounded by so many creative minds.

It was another great week for Spelling with a great deal of the class showing improvement from previous weeks. This week included five unseen extension words after the test for those who wanted a bit of a challenge. This will be continuing each week. It was great to see so many students attempt extension words or words from another list.

Miss Mead has been enjoying reading the expositions from this week's extra homework task. Some of the expositions included "Why all children should play sport", "Why smoking should be made illegal", "Why violence and bad language should be removed from violence and television" and "Why school uniforms should be compulsory". These are only some of the many ideas 5M explored this week. There has been a huge improvement in the use of language in expositions over the past week. 5M should be very proud of themselves.

Miss Mead heard lots of great compliments from staff, students and parents about how well behaved, talented and confident 5M were during the Assembly. Well done 5M!

There will be photos coming shortly from the Assembly, please stayed tuned.

It wouldn't be an Assembly without awards. This week was a bumper week for 5M with seven students receiving awards (one receiving two awards). Chloe was our student of the week, she is always very helpful and has great manners.
Isabella and Molly received Library awards, Azure received the Principal's award while Lewis, Brock, Molly and Emily received class awards.
Students were awarded for their improvement in on-task behaviour, excellence in sport, sportsmanship, improvement in spelling and willingness to contribute to classroom discussions.

Another two big weeks to come before 5M will have a well deserved break with their family and friends.

Some notes for our diaries:
Thursday - School photos (dressed in summer uniform), please do not bring forms in before Thursday.

Friday - Athletics carnival - Glendale.

Have a lovely week =)

Thursday 22 March 2012

School photos

A note went home yesterday regarding school photos.

Our school photos will be held on Thursday 29th March. Children will wear full summer uniform.

Please check the envelopes to make sure your child's name is spelt correctly, if not please correct with red pen.

Please do not bring photo envelopes to school before the photo day, they are to be handed to the photographer on school photo day.

Looking forward to seeing the results!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Ideas for expositions

Here are some ideas for exposition topics, these were read to the children this afternoon. A list will be sent home tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • Dogs make better pets than cats
  • It should be illegal to sell junk food to children
  • Naughty children should be punished by smacking
  • Space exploration is a waste of money
  • Too much television is bad for you
  • Under 11s should be banned from the internet
  • Your parents are your best teachers
  • Happiness is more important than money
  • Everybody should go to church (or participate in religion)
  • Children should be allowed to wear what they like
  • Children should not be allowed to bring mobile phones to school
  • Homework is good for you
  • You can learn more from experience than books
  • Films with language and violence should never be shown on television
  • War is always wrong
  • Britain should replace the royal family with a president
  • Factory farming should be abolished
  • Motorists should pay to drive in city centres
  • Boys and girls should wear the same clothes
  • Books are more satisfying than films
  • Every job should have the same salary
  • Footballers are overpaid
  • Children under 11 should be in bed by 9 o'clock
  • The use of animals to test drugs and other products should be banned
  • Learning about the past has no value because we live in the present
  • Children should be required to help with household tasks
  • All school students should wear a school uniform
  • Smoking should be treated as a drug and made illegal
  • Girls work harder than boys
  • We are becoming too dependent on computers and technology
  • It is cruel to keep animals in zoos
  • Wealthy nations should share their wealth with poorer nations
  • Junk post should be banned because it is a waste of paper
  • Progress is always good

A note that went home today....

 Here is a note which went home today regarding this week's extra homework task. Please note that Go Maths is not one of the tasks this week.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Dear Parents and Family of 5M,

This week the children have an extra homework task. As a part of our NAPLAN preparation, Year 5 have been focusing on persuasive texts, in particular expositions.
Expositions aim to persuade the reader to believe the writer’s point of view by presenting one side of the argument. This week students will be writing their own exposition for homework.

The structure of an exposition consists of:
Title: e.g. why children should play sport.
Introduction: this presents the writer’s point of view and gives a preview as to what will be spoken about.
Series of arguments: these persuade the reader to see the writer’s point of view; these arguments need to be supported by a reason.  A new paragraph is taken with each new idea. Our most persuasive argument goes at the top.
Conclusion: this sums up the writer’s argument and reinstates the writer’s point of view.

Students are encouraged to plan their work before writing e.g. brainstorming and working out the structure.

The expositions can be submitted in their homework books (written) or printed out if typed. This is due with their Friday homework as usual.

The children will not be doing their Maths book homework this week so they can focus on this task. Students are still encouraged to practise their times tables when possible. Opportunities could include whilst in the car or getting ready for bed. 

A reminder about our assembly on Friday, this will be held at 12:30pm under the COLA. If there is wet weather please contacts the office for details before coming to assembly. We would love to see you there.

If you have any queries about your child or would simply like to put a face to my name, please feel free to contact me via the office or through a note with your child.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Amy Mead
5M Teacher

Monday 19 March 2012

Spelling Week 9

Here are our Spelling words for Week 9. The structure of groups for Spelling is flexible. Students are encouraged each week to attempt other group's spelling words if they feel confident in doing so.

Don't forget, for our homework we copy our words each night. It is important to practise as much as we can, rather than doing it all on a Monday night, please practise each night where possible.

Group One
  • explain
  • actions
  • field
  • surprise
  • native
  • once
  • however
  • purpose
  • require
  • debris
  • tsunami
  • boundary
Group 2
  • explain
  • actions
  • field
  • surprise
  • native
  • once
  • however
  • purpose
  • require
  • debris
  • tsunami
  • boundary
  • beige
  • definitely
  • column
Group 3
  • explain
  • actions
  • field
  • surprise
  • native
  • once
  • however
  • purpose
  • require
  • debris
  • tsunami
  • boundary
  • beige
  • definitely
  • column
  • knowledge
  • global
  • museum
  • opinion
  • supervision

Week 8

Week 8 was another busy one for 5M. We had our class liturgy on Tuesday, we were so happy to see so many of our family and friends there. Miss Mead was very proud of 5M especially how quickly they adapted to changes and for being so helpful. We have our assembly on Friday which we have busily been brainstorming for. Thank you parents for your suggestions.

In Maths we have been looking at multiplication with factors being our key focus.

We have been learning about the planets in Science & Technology. Isabella made a great model of the Solar System which looks wonderful in our classroom, here it is:

This week's awards were given to students who are always happy to help, show initiative in PE, are ready to learn, have beautiful manners and are always trying their best.
Jacob R is our student of the week and Skye was awarded the Principal's award.
Well done!

Don't forget that our assembly is this Friday at 12:30pm under the COLA. If the weather is wet please ring the office for wet weather plans, we may be moved to the Hall.

Have a lovely week,

Miss Mead and 5M

Monday 12 March 2012


Group 1
  • argue
  • carve
  • snarl
  • starve
  • parcel
  • parade
  • parsnip
  • remark
  • article
  • marble
  • alarm
  • ajar
Group 2
  • argue
  • carve
  • snarl
  • starve
  • parcel
  • parade
  • parsnip
  • remark
  • article
  • marble
  • alarm
  • ajar
  • marine
  • harmony
  • carnivore
Group 3
  • argue
  • carve
  • snarl
  • starve
  • parcel
  • parade
  • parsnip
  • remark
  • article
  • marble
  • alarm
  • ajar
  • marine
  • harmony
  • carnivore
  • ardent
  • argument
  • carnation
  • partisan
  • particle

Sunday 11 March 2012

Dates for your diary

5M and Miss Mead are busily preparing for their class mass this week. We would love for our family and friends to attend, here are the details:

Tuesday 13th March
9:30am - St Paul's Church 

We also have our assembly coming up, this will be held on the 23rd of March at 12:30pm under the COLA at school.

All family and friends are welcome to join us in these celebrations.

Here is a view from our class window, we are so lucky to go to school in such a beautiful location.

Another birthday =)

This week we celebrated another birthday in 5M. This birthday included one of 5M's favourite treats cupcakes (and chocolate for those with gluten intolerances). We are lucky to have such great friends to share our birthdays with.

Award winners

As our last assembly was rained out, this week Miss Mead handed out two lots of awards.
Students received awards for improvement in spelling, being ready to learn, excellence in all areas of the curriculum, being helpful, setting an example to peers and contributing to classroom discussion. Samuel and Olivia K were the Students of the Week. Lucas and Amelia received Principal's awards. Isabella was 5M's winner of the 'Crunch and Sip' poster competition, her poster will be displayed outside the canteen.

Here are our Week 6 award recipients (minus Lucas who was given his Principal's award in Week 6)

Week 7 award recipients:

Week 7

It is hard to believe that we are going into Week 8. The term is flying by.

We are continuing to focus on Persuasive texts, this week we wrote a joint construction about why we should keep the environment clean. Our next step is to create our own exposition, we are currently drafting our expositions. After this, we will edit our writing using a dictionary, ask a friend to edit for us and then Miss Mead will edit before we publish.
Miss Mead has been very impressed with how much 5M have improved since their first expositions in Week 2.

In Mathematics we are looking at multiples, this is working with our knowledge of times tables.

In PD/H/PE we have been discussing what makes a friendship and what breaks a friendship. We have also spent a lot of time discussing bullying. On Thursday we spent a lot of time discussing bullying and we watched a DVD about the myths surrounding bullying. Bullying is an area that we will be focusing on throughout the year.

Here are pictures of our HSIE corner with some of the Bali work that we have been doing.

Week 6

Week 6 Wrap up:
5M have been working hard this week in all areas of the curriculum. There have been NAPLAN practise tests for Language Conventions and Numeracy as well as our work on Persuasive Texts.

This is a game that we played to help us learn what action verbs are: Online Action Verb Grammar Game .

In Mathematics we looked at symmetry and perpendicular lines in 2D Shapes. Here is a You tube video we watched and a game we played to help us understand rotational symmetry.

On Wednesday we visited the computer lab to begin researching Bali as a part of our Human Society and Its Environment Unit. We also had an extra homework task to find out something about Bali, this could be as simple as bringing in a photo, a travel brochure, some information, a good website or a souvenir. This afternoon students presented their homework research, here are some of the photos.

Unfortunately due to the rain we did not attend assembly this week, however Mr Latham still handed out awards to a child in each class. This week's award recipient from 5M is Lucas.