Sunday 11 March 2012

Week 6

Week 6 Wrap up:
5M have been working hard this week in all areas of the curriculum. There have been NAPLAN practise tests for Language Conventions and Numeracy as well as our work on Persuasive Texts.

This is a game that we played to help us learn what action verbs are: Online Action Verb Grammar Game .

In Mathematics we looked at symmetry and perpendicular lines in 2D Shapes. Here is a You tube video we watched and a game we played to help us understand rotational symmetry.

On Wednesday we visited the computer lab to begin researching Bali as a part of our Human Society and Its Environment Unit. We also had an extra homework task to find out something about Bali, this could be as simple as bringing in a photo, a travel brochure, some information, a good website or a souvenir. This afternoon students presented their homework research, here are some of the photos.

Unfortunately due to the rain we did not attend assembly this week, however Mr Latham still handed out awards to a child in each class. This week's award recipient from 5M is Lucas.

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