Sunday 11 March 2012

Week 7

It is hard to believe that we are going into Week 8. The term is flying by.

We are continuing to focus on Persuasive texts, this week we wrote a joint construction about why we should keep the environment clean. Our next step is to create our own exposition, we are currently drafting our expositions. After this, we will edit our writing using a dictionary, ask a friend to edit for us and then Miss Mead will edit before we publish.
Miss Mead has been very impressed with how much 5M have improved since their first expositions in Week 2.

In Mathematics we are looking at multiples, this is working with our knowledge of times tables.

In PD/H/PE we have been discussing what makes a friendship and what breaks a friendship. We have also spent a lot of time discussing bullying. On Thursday we spent a lot of time discussing bullying and we watched a DVD about the myths surrounding bullying. Bullying is an area that we will be focusing on throughout the year.

Here are pictures of our HSIE corner with some of the Bali work that we have been doing.

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