Friday 30 March 2012

Week 10

Only one more week to go! Week 10 has finished and we are one step closer to that well deserved break.

However, there is still lots of work to be done before we can enjoy a rest and some sweet treats.

On Thursday 5M showed that they really are the most attractive class at St Paul's with their beautiful appearance on School Photo Day. Miss Mead is really looking forward to seeing our class photo and hanging a copy up on our wall. Speaking of beautiful, 5M enjoyed coming up with interesting sentences for one of their spelling words 'gorgeous', this provided some humour during our spelling lessons.

5M are still improving with their spelling. It is great to see how many students have attempted the extension unseen words at the end of the test. Keep up the great work Year 5.

On Friday we had our Athletics Carnival at Glendale. Miss Mead really enjoyed meeting and chatting with 5M parents. 5M performed well on the track and off (in long jump, shot put and cheering). It was lovely to see so many enthusiastic faces whether they were racing or cheering on their friends.

Here are some 5M students getting into the spirit of the Athletics Carnival.

Due to the Athletics Carnival we didn't have an Assembly.

Next week will be another busy one with our Holy Week liturgy on Wednesday (and practises each day) and our Easter Hat Parade on Thursday followed by the much anticipated P&F Raffle.

If 5M are especially lovely, there may be a surprise or two for them on Thursday.

Have a great weekend,

5M and Miss Mead.

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