Tuesday 20 March 2012

Ideas for expositions

Here are some ideas for exposition topics, these were read to the children this afternoon. A list will be sent home tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • Dogs make better pets than cats
  • It should be illegal to sell junk food to children
  • Naughty children should be punished by smacking
  • Space exploration is a waste of money
  • Too much television is bad for you
  • Under 11s should be banned from the internet
  • Your parents are your best teachers
  • Happiness is more important than money
  • Everybody should go to church (or participate in religion)
  • Children should be allowed to wear what they like
  • Children should not be allowed to bring mobile phones to school
  • Homework is good for you
  • You can learn more from experience than books
  • Films with language and violence should never be shown on television
  • War is always wrong
  • Britain should replace the royal family with a president
  • Factory farming should be abolished
  • Motorists should pay to drive in city centres
  • Boys and girls should wear the same clothes
  • Books are more satisfying than films
  • Every job should have the same salary
  • Footballers are overpaid
  • Children under 11 should be in bed by 9 o'clock
  • The use of animals to test drugs and other products should be banned
  • Learning about the past has no value because we live in the present
  • Children should be required to help with household tasks
  • All school students should wear a school uniform
  • Smoking should be treated as a drug and made illegal
  • Girls work harder than boys
  • We are becoming too dependent on computers and technology
  • It is cruel to keep animals in zoos
  • Wealthy nations should share their wealth with poorer nations
  • Junk post should be banned because it is a waste of paper
  • Progress is always good