Monday 19 March 2012

Week 8

Week 8 was another busy one for 5M. We had our class liturgy on Tuesday, we were so happy to see so many of our family and friends there. Miss Mead was very proud of 5M especially how quickly they adapted to changes and for being so helpful. We have our assembly on Friday which we have busily been brainstorming for. Thank you parents for your suggestions.

In Maths we have been looking at multiplication with factors being our key focus.

We have been learning about the planets in Science & Technology. Isabella made a great model of the Solar System which looks wonderful in our classroom, here it is:

This week's awards were given to students who are always happy to help, show initiative in PE, are ready to learn, have beautiful manners and are always trying their best.
Jacob R is our student of the week and Skye was awarded the Principal's award.
Well done!

Don't forget that our assembly is this Friday at 12:30pm under the COLA. If the weather is wet please ring the office for wet weather plans, we may be moved to the Hall.

Have a lovely week,

Miss Mead and 5M

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